Oceanic Feeling
by peter neill
Nature, Environment
46 Pages
Trade Paper, PDF, EPub
ISBN 978-0-918172-87-7
FMI: director@thew2o.net
Release Date: April 2023
Rights: US & CA
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The short essays contained within Oceanic Feeling have been selected from other writings, some reportorial, others more reflective on specifics of the global conversation about the future of the ocean and its implication for human survival. As time has passed, the conversation has become more specific, in the form of research science and policy suggestion, and more urgently, in the form of inertia, delay, and the failure of the global apparat to reach consensus, much less an effective plan of action.
In the face of this challenge, and the immediacy of its circumstance, it seems still essential to persevere step-by-step, day-by-day. The World Ocean Observatory, now in its 20th anniversary year, is but one agency for such determined focus and comprehensive outreach. There are many others, all well intended, but the success of our collective endeavor is in question as the immediacy and urgency remain.
To re-kindle determination and commitment, sometimes it is best to let our feelings release to clear and revive our spirit. These few pieces, distilled as personal experience and emotion, are just that—thoughts—provoked by tactile and psychological contact with the ocean and valued as the core of our individual commitment to optimism and continuation.
These essays offer glimpses, epiphanies, and illuminations to provide some inner justification for engagement, some shared oceanic connection between writer and reader, conjoined as active global citizens in the shared knowledge of the ocean’s fecundity, generosity, and capacity for sustenance and life.